Impedance Control Microstrip vs Stripline

July 20, 2021

Intro: The Battle Between Microstrip and Stripline

Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) have taken the world by storm, taking over from traditional wiring to provide a convenient, space-saving, and superiorly efficient solution. PCBs come in all shapes and sizes, and the selection of the right one can make all the difference. One of the most important aspects of PCBs is impedance control, which is crucial in ensuring signal integrity, minimizing crosstalk or interference, and reducing power losses. In this post, we'll compare two commonly used impedance control techniques - Microstrip and Stripline - to help you make an informed decision.

Microstrip: The Simple Yet Widely Used Technique

Microstrip is a popular technique used in PCBs for impedance control. When designing a Microstrip, a thin layer of copper is added to one layer of the PCB, and a ground plane is added to the opposite layer. An insulator separates the two layers, and the transmission line runs along the top of this insulator. Microstrips have low production costs, and their wide use makes them easily customizable.

Advantages of Microstrip

  • Easy to produce
  • Low production costs
  • Wide use, and hence easily customizable

Disadvantages of Microstrip

  • Subject to noise and interference
  • Limited to lower frequencies
  • Reduced isolation due to low shielding

Stripline: The High-Frequency Champ

Stripline involves copper traces being sandwiched between two ground planes, with a thin layer of an insulating material. The top and bottom ground planes serve as the return paths for the signal. This technique is best suited for high-frequency applications, as the shielded structure provides excellent signal integrity and crosstalk control.

Advantages of Stripline

  • Strong signal integrity and crosstalk control
  • Optimal at high frequencies
  • Better isolation

Disadvantages of Stripline

  • Expensive to produce
  • Requires additional layer in PCB stack-up
  • More complex design


The following table summarizes the comparison between Microstrip and Stripline impedance control techniques.

Parameters Microstrip Stripline
Cost Low High
Design Simple Complex
Isolation Low High
Crosstalk Moderate Low
Frequency range ~GHz >GHz
Shielding Poor Excellent

As you can see from the table, each technique has its strengths and weaknesses. Microstrip is highly cost-effective but is limited in terms of frequency range and its ability to shield from interference. On the other hand, Stripline is the perfect choice for high-frequency applications due to its superior signal integrity and isolation, but comes at the expense of increased complexity and high production costs.


In conclusion, both Microstrip and Stripline techniques are highly effective for impedance control in PCBs. However, each has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of technique would depend on the specific requirements of the application. We recommend consulting with a PCB designer to help select the most appropriate impedance control technique.


  1. Comparing Microstrip and Stripline Design and Printed Circuit Board Performance
  2. Stripline vs. Microstrip: Differences and Benefits in PCB Layouts

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